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If you're more of an audiophile...
When I began writing in earnest and publishing and sharing my work, the comments sections of those pieces began reflecting a theme: a lot of people had been through a lot of similar stuff. They had fought a lot of battles and when they read the works on Medium, mine and hundreds of others, they realized they weren't alone.
We've heard a lot about trauma over the past few years. TikTok and Instagram circulated millions of videos about mental health.
Discussing our trauma is important, but so is discussing the joy and relief that comes after the trauma, after the healing, as we learn to navigate and appreciate the full, rich lives that are possible, and attainable, after facing down the darkness and working through it to find the light.
In that vein, I began The Light on the Other Side. Right now, I am sharing my stories, but I want to share as many stories as possible... I want to share your stories! If you are interested in sending me a piece to read, being interviewed, or sharing an audio recording of you reading your work, fill out the contact form here. I want to elevate your stories to help spread the light!
Thanks for listening and welcome!

New Podcast: Does She Shut Up?!
So much of writing and podcasting is very niche specific. I found that my pieces spanned several categories and 'niches', so I felt it important to set a delineation between my work at The Light at the Other Side, which is meant to be uplifting and empathetic, and my more politically-charged pieces.
So I began Does She Shut Up?!, a subscription-based podcast that features my stories about being a white, southern, former-evangelical Christian veteran who frequently sees those parts of my identity exploited for political purposes. I'm here to audit the narrative, to say NO, I am not some tradwife and you do NOT speak for me.
Subscribe now for only $5 a month and in return you'll get a high quality essay and corresponding podcast every single week (and the feel-good fuzzies of supporting a struggling wordsmith continue to write, create, and record quality content. Won't you join me?!